No pretendo molestaros

Al parecer, algunas personas se sienten ofendidas porque no las agrego a mi foro. No tengo, ni pertenezco a ninguno, simplemente escribo y lo publico en abierto, para que libremente pueda ser leído o comentado por las personas que lo deseen. Suelo comentar las páginas que me lo permiten y les parezca bien, de las personas que me añaden a su foro. Suele ser lo que siento al ver lo que han publicado, intentando dar una visión diferente, desde la que ha sido escrito. Lo que os agradezco.

Si tenéis que pagar para entrar en la página, no es la original. Como digo a la derecha es Gratuita y sin publicidad.
Yui Shin

jueves, 23 de marzo de 2017


It was the first thing that came out to me, on the Internet, when looking for "Right to Abortion Feminists". We all know that the right to abortion is not only the most important of reproductive rights but one of the most important rights for women. Abortion is the cornerstone of many other rights and if it is called into question or is not recognized at all, or only half of it recognized, what is at stake is the right of all women, to own themselves, to Their bodies, to be free ultimately.
Copernicus had the idea of saying, "That it was the Earth that was revolving around the Sun." Over time, the Italian scientist Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) appeared, at the age of 69 years, before the Holy Office, the Roman Inquisition, to abjure of such infamy.
And is that sometimes, saying something means nothing, if we do not know where we are looking.
We talk about freedom, but we do not know the meaning of Freedom, we have no idea, from where we look at the face and the figure of Freedom. "That is why we are barely able to see: "freedom."
I try to write about the Concepts, those which are basic to me: Love as Absolute, Life as Absolute, God as Absolute, they are not my occurrences, is what we have determined them to be: "The highest understanding of these concepts."
Accustomed to teachers and colleagues who tried to ridicule me when asking questions, which the teachers said were not related to the issue they were dealing with, I would dare to ask myself: "Why does the incidence of cancer increase so much?" Now that I am an adult, I no longer ask anyone, they are questions to myself, to know where to direct my life, my knowledge, because it will be what I will to aport to Life.
I remember phrases heard somewhere, that someone uttered. Phrases read on some piece of paper or book, even notebooks, that someone wrote.
"The All is in the parts, the parts in the Whole. " As above, so is below,". A butterfly flutters in Australia, which has produced a solar storm. It is not Life that revolves around you, but we who revolve around God, of The Life. "
Like Copernicus, he was ridiculed, just as Galileo, Jesús was prosecuted and condemned on the cross, just as Galilei, his disciples were put on trial and forced to abjure or die. Because they said that: "It is not Life that revolves around us".
We think that having sexual freedom, is to be able to decide the type of hole that we cover or let cover in ourself, if we care which one, if we don't mind being a hole, or try to find one that loves to be covered by us and we want and love to cover only that hole .
We can buy seeds, they can be given to us, we can have found them, know what will grow if we sow them or unknow it. We are free to choose, but we will create the Universe in which we will be forced to exist.
A small, imperceptible value, similar to the flutter of a butterfly, can create a Universe of Chaos, a Universe in which to live is a hell. Just a deviation in the understanding, in the application of a concept, can determine if we will be in the manifestation of Life, in another Now.
We do not care too much about concepts, thinking they are things that are impossible to do, idyllic phrases or thoughts, but they are born of centuries of millions of observations, trying to explain the inexplicable: "What are we?" They are the signals that indicate the return to Home, to our Being.
A sperm and an ovum have everything that has been done, thought and felt, in the Universe, in Life, throughout all its manifestation, because they are "The Master who collects the knowledge of all the disciples."
"As above, so is below," our family, our society, our food, are determining how we are, what we do in coexistence with others, having freedom from what we learn and do with that knowledge.
We believe that we are the center, around where Life revolves, that we can control our parts, create the individuality in which we are integrated.
We learn from our environment, create what we are, decide our freedom, from our concepts. We are the above for our cellules, when we decide to destroy what we are, Life, that Life that manifests in us, our cells do the same, destroying what is manifested in themself: "Our body."
We can destroy the fetus, using our freedom. Life will learn from our freedom, destroying life that itmanifests: "Cataclysms, climatic changes, diseases, pestilences, hatreds, destroying what it manifests, its body: life."
" As above, so is below," it is our right to destroy, granting that same right above and below us. Our cells, our society, our planet, the Universe, learn self-destruction, simply because we believe it is "the most important of reproductive rights." Believing in  freedom like: "the right of all women to be masters of themselves, their bodies, to be free ultimately."
The cells feel, that their freedom is to have the right to destroy the others that annoy them, the Earth that we are destroying feels the freedom to destroy us, the Universe that got tired out, of everything being so far away, would destroyed itself, when it arrives and learns Our concept of Freedom.
"The All is in the parts, the parts in the Whole. As above, so is below. " They are old, old phrases. They do not answer the question, but I still question to myself:
"Why does the incidence of cancer increase so much?"

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