No pretendo molestaros

Al parecer, algunas personas se sienten ofendidas porque no las agrego a mi foro. No tengo, ni pertenezco a ninguno, simplemente escribo y lo publico en abierto, para que libremente pueda ser leído o comentado por las personas que lo deseen. Suelo comentar las páginas que me lo permiten y les parezca bien, de las personas que me añaden a su foro. Suele ser lo que siento al ver lo que han publicado, intentando dar una visión diferente, desde la que ha sido escrito. Lo que os agradezco.

Si tenéis que pagar para entrar en la página, no es la original. Como digo a la derecha es Gratuita y sin publicidad.
Yui Shin

jueves, 20 de marzo de 2014


The village’s sleeping, in a peaceful look, like a feeling of impotence against the elements.
The sky’s behind a big cloud full of water.
The light’s gray and smooth.
The water’s falling from heaven, washing trees, roofs and ground. Everything looks clean and peaceful.
The waves’re gone, so the wind. The sea looks lost in a dream of calmness.
Everything is in duty. The hungry bird, move around looking for food, the smoke from the kitchen slowly desapear, mixed with the air.
And I sat under the porche’s roof, looking around trying to see whatever hapend. Nothing is happening, only the mind is making thoughts, to find itself. And I, where’m I?.
Far in the distance, the mountains must be; only water and clouds, the eyes can see. But yesterday with sunlight, they were there, in the other side of this arm of sea.
          The eyes look all of these, the mind thinks about it, the hand moves the pen to write it.
          The eyes’re eyes, the mind’s a mind, the hand is a hand, if they’re what they are, how should be me or mine?.

The orchestra’s starting to play, grasshoper, beatles and frogs, are giving their best to make the flyes-light, the extasis of their own dance.
The moon, a new moon, is lightning the scenery.
The stars look curiosly, the ballet of fantasy, between shadows with palm-tree forms.
Everything’s ready and I lost my mind, somewhere, in wich the spirit must be free. Only shadows and the dancing, my silence and the night’s music.
Separate an toguether, the spirit try to find them. The music is not music anymore, grasshopers and frogs are’nt musicien, the stars are’nt there, and the moon is loosing it light. Flyes-light still are dancing, covering the tree. Only a shadow in a remote area of the mind.
The flyes-light are not dancing, even the shadow is not a tree. Only I, still is a shadow observing what’s not there.
The mind goes further, the spirit is leaving, the shadow is desapearing; nothing is here, even here is not here anymore. The music, dance, and lights are fulled with joy, the mind joins the spirit in this joy and there’s not mind alone. And I, where am I?.

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